Eat and Drink: Hollandberry Pannekoeken

Hollandberry Pannekoeken In case you don’t know what a Pannekoeken is, it’s a traditional Dutch oven pancake. If you haven’t yet had one, then you’re missing out. Hollandberry isn’t new. In fact, it’s one of Rochester’s legacy restaurants. It’s been serving delicious Pannekoeken since the late 1980s. Though they have been through three different locations during this time, Tasos Psomas, the restaurant’s owner, hopes to stay at this location for a while. As one of Rochester’s favorite brunch spots, the signature breakfasts are mostly the same as before, but lunch and dinner have a new twist. The food is just how it’s always been: fresh, fast, friendly, and fun. Pannekoeken provides a welcome alternative to traditional pancakes. The classic style is served with lemon wedges and powdered sugar. They also serve a variety of different kinds such as banana with house made rum sauce, apple and raisin, original apple, blueberry, and apple pecan. The rum sauce is magical and if they sold it to-...