Article: After Hours Paranormal Investigations - Rochester Minnesota

After Hours Paranormal Investigations 

After Hours Paranormal Investigation Ghost Hunting in Rochester Minnesota
Rochester, Minnesota is allegedly packed full of paranormal activity, some say they have seen ghostly manifestations at Quarry Hill Park, Crimson Ridge, Kahler Hotel, Mayowood Mansion, and other locations in Rochester. This post has little to do with the "Spookiness" surrounding this subject but more so with the understanding and investigation of it and there is a group in Rochester that understands and investigates things of such nature. After Hours Paranormal Investigations.

After Hours Paranormal Investigations is flag shipped by Dr. Nancy J. Horvath-Zurn, an inter-spiritual mentor, inspirational speaker, writer, paranormal investigator, psychic and medium.
Their investigations include the Villisca Ax Murder House - Villisca, IA, Mrs. B's Bed and Breakfast - Lanesboro, MN, and a host of other paranormal related locations.
For more info about the group:

After Hours Paranormal Investigations

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