Stay: Dorthy Day House - Rochester Minnesota

Dorthy Day House - Rochester Minnesota

A limo drivers response to a Rochester Post Bulletin article...

"The Post-Bulletin on 1/30/2010 wrote a article listing the best places to stay in Rochester, Minnesota when you are visiting here. They created a list that includes a few places.

The Dorthy Day House is a place in my opinion that is not a good place for anyone to stay at. The Dorthy Day House is a place that was founded with a idea in mind to help homeless people and is specifically meant to function as such. I would not recommend anyone that is "not" in need of emergency housing to stay there. Many types of individuals frequent this house.

Here are a few things to consider: If a person stays in the house they will also sleep in a room with a person  they do not know, eat each meal with a person they do not know and also will have to share a shower and bathroom. Also it should be noted the neighborhood around the house is not the best of areas after 6pm.This area is known to have "unsavory" transactions going on throughout the evening. In my humble opinion I would say stay as far away as possible from The Dorthy Day House, if you are visiting Rochester, Minnesota for treatment. If you do decide to stay here make sure that it would be for a single adult male or female, it is not family friendly."

This program does serve a need for homeless in the Rochester, Minnesota Area. For more information about the history of the house, who funds it and if you would like to donate or help.

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