Do: Winter things to do in Rochester, Minnesota | Snow Tubing at Ironwood Springs Christian Ranch – Stewartville, Minnesota

Winter things to do in Rochester, Minnesota | Snow Tubing at Ironwood Springs Christian Ranch – Stewartville, Minnesota The Ironwood Springs Christian Ranch is located in Stewartville, Minnesota approx. 20 mins. (14mi.) south of Rochester. It is a fun local place for visitors to enjoy activities during the winter months. It is open for snow tubing during January and February (exact dates are listed below). Calendar/Hours: Hours vary week by week during winter months Call 507-533-4315 for times date/times. Cost (prices are subject to change): $12 per person (all ages) $ Discounts for larger groups. $50 deposit required in advance call 507-533-4315 to reserve space Payment: Either cash or check. Payment is collected before tubing. Equipment: Tubes are provided. Visitors have access to the warming house and towrope. Pots of hot water are also available to warm up soups, cocoa, and warm clothes. Misc: Ironwood is alcohol and tobacco-free. No pets are al...